Title: The Boy in the Cemetery
Author: Sebastian Gregory
Published: October 29th, 2014 by Carina
Anne and her family are on the run. Hiding dark secrets and an even darker shame,
they move to a new town where she's told by her parents - act normal. But
nothing is normal in her live. She looks
for comfort in the cemetery behind her house.
But secrets don't hide in the shadows for long. Something else is in that cemetery…and it's
been waiting for someone like her.
The Boy in the Cemetery, Sebastian Gregory proves that he isn't just a one
trick pony. This book is creepy,
macabre, and heartbreaking.
his very successful The Asylum for Fairy-Tale Creatures, The Boy in the Cemetery
has a very fable like quality to it. But
the issues the story deals with are anything but fairy tales. The sub-plot is disturbing, heartrending, and
all too real. And Gregory proves he has
the chops to deal with it.
story is violent and gruesome, but stops short of being terribly graphic - a good thing as the atmosphere is eerie enough
as it is.
though it's a short work, the characterization is spot on. Your heart bleeds for Carrie Anne, even as
you are horrified by what happens.
is a macabrely beautiful work and well worth the read.
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